Dialogical Medication Therapy Safety

Donnerstag, 6. März 2025

The case illustrates how crucial the dialogue between pharmacies and doctors is. Blind trust in processes and digital tools can be dangerous. Direct communication is indispensable, especially when it comes to patient safety.

Foto von Usman Yousaf auf Unsplash

Is there such a thing?

On a Friday afternoon in March 2025, I stumbled across a LinkedIn post by a pharmacist. It captivates my attention as several experts from my network have already commented on it. The pharmacist describes a case where she advised a patient against taking two medications simultaneously. However, the patient received feedback from two doctors that the combination was okay.

I wonder: Did the patient really speak with both doctors? The simple confirmation seems superficial. Presumably, the patient did not take on her responsibility and avoided direct confrontation.

How should professionals proceed in such situations? The lack of dialogue between pharmacy, general practitioner, and specialist is concerning. Rigid processes, responsibilities, and personal sensitivities often prevent constructive collaboration.

In my opinion, we must not blindly rely on care pathways or digital tools like the electronic patient record (ePA). This individual case demonstrates that. Until the ePA provides a reliable medication therapy safety check, direct communication between all parties involved remains essential – especially when it’s a matter of life and death.

Frank Stratmann


I am Frank Stratmann – an experienced foresight and communication designer, passionately working for healthcare professionals. Also known as @betablogr.

Frank Stratmann


I am Frank Stratmann – an experienced foresight and communication designer, passionately working for healthcare professionals. Also known as @betablogr.


Frank Stratmann


I am Frank Stratmann – an experienced foresight and communication designer, passionately working for healthcare professionals. Also known as @betablogr.
