The digital transformation of healthcare in Baden-Württemberg is progressing.
MEDI:CUS is the name of the project to create a cloud-based health data platform for Baden-Württemberg. Since February 2024, under the leadership of the Baden-Württemberg Ministry of the Interior, work has been underway on the new cloud.
The project aims to enable an interoperable infrastructure through the networking of hospitals, research institutions, and outpatient providers. Duplicate examinations of patients are to be reduced, and personalized medicine is to be advanced 1 3 8.
With a funding volume of 24.2 million euros, MEDI:CUS is part of the digitization strategy digital.LÄND and is to be transitioned to regular operation by 2027 6 9.
On this page, we attempt to provide an overview of the project. The information on this page was partly collected using an AI-supported search engine. We are supplementing the information, and you may also pass on everything you hear about the project to us.
On February 20, 2025, as part of a workshop discussion initiated by DIGITALWERK AOK Baden-Württemberg, a social audio talk took place that we accompanied. We are gradually working on integrating the most important insights from these and subsequent discussions.
I. Project Status and Milestones 2025
Current Implementation:
Technical Implementation:
II. Medium-term Goals (5-Year Perspective)
Platform Expansion:
Data Ecosystem and Research:
European Integration:
III. Long-term Vision by 2035
Transformation of Healthcare:
Patient Autonomy:
Economic Effects:
IV. Project Team and Stakeholders
Sources mention Alexander Becker and Eva Schulz as key figures. Can you explain their roles in the project? _(Note: These names do not appear in the provided sources. They may be internal project participants or partners from Deloitte. Verification is recommended.)_
Governance Model:
The project is coordinated across ministries by five ministries 9.
How is decision-making structured between the involved ministries?
What resistance was there from hospitals or data protection authorities, and how were these resolved 8?
V. Deloitte's Role and Technological Contributions
Deloitte was selected as a strategic partner for implementation 6.
What best practice approaches from other industries are being integrated into MEDI:CUS?
How does Deloitte support the development of the multi-cloud architecture, especially with the integration of Confidential Computing?
What plans exist to financially and technically sustain the platform long-term after 2027?
Further Investigations
We plan to expand this page with further answers that arise about the MEDI:CUS project. We would like to introduce the project management in more detail and better understand the European dimension of the project.
Please feel free to get in touch if you want to contribute. Use our ZEITGESCHENK+ or write an email to Frank Stratmann.